Beehive Safeguarding

Safer Recruitment

Who should attend this course?

This programme is for all managers, leaders and governors who have responsibility for staff recruitment in institutions and settings working with children and young people as accredited by the “Safer Recruitment Consortium” for a maximum of 20.

Where is the course held?

This course can be delivered by one of our experienced trainers at your place of work or setting.

You may also attend the course at our Training Centre in Bromley where you will receive refreshments and a sandwich lunch.

What is the course content?

Based on an understanding of offender behaviour, attendees will be enabled to:

  • Identify the key features of staff recruitment that help deter or prevent the appointment of unsuitable people.
  • Consider policies and practice that minimise opportunities for abuse or ensure its prompt reporting.
  • Help participants begin to review their policies and practice in recruitment with a view to creating a safer culture.

Bepoke to the needs of delegates and using a combination of short presentations, group exercises, case studies and discussion, the following areas will be covered:

  • The scale of the problem - abuser and abused.
  • Model to understand abusers and abusing.
  • Application into education context.
  • Prevention of abuse through recruitment and selection.
  • Ongoing culture of vigilance.
What is the duration of this course?

This is a one day course, typically from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

Is this course certificated and what is its validity?

Certificates will be issued on behalf of the “Safer Recruitment Consortium” to attendees who are successful in the in-course assessment. We recommend that this training is renewed every three years.